

Lemmings- Lemmings are very furry and round in shape so they can burrow themselves in snow which traps air and becomes an insulator for them. Snow tunnels that they create also keep them safe from near predators. 

Polar Bears- The bears have a thick blubber layer, insulating fur, and a fat coat to keep them warm from the extremely cold temperatures. Also the oily coat they have keeps moisture in and no body heat is let out when the bear is wet. 

Arctic Wolves- Arctic wolves have very short legs and more round short ears which helps minimize heat loss. They have double barrier defense between biting winds and skin. They also have a thick fur coat and undercoat which is long and soft so it can help them trap air warmed by the body heat of the fur coats. 


Arctic Mass- The arctic moss grows underwater and stays low to the ground to avoid winds and coldness and stores energy when its not growing to stay warm. 

Bearberry- This plant is low growing to the ground which helps it stay out of the wind. Its silky hair helps it stay warm and the leather helps no cold get into the plant. 

Diamond-Leaf Willows-  Grow close to the ground and their unique  structure allows them to retain heat and stay out of the harsh winds in order to survive.