Water and Carbon Cycle imageWater and Carbon Cycle image
 Water Cycle
  • The water cycle in the Tundra has a low precipitation rate at 50-350mm which includes melted snow 
  • There is very low moisture in the Tundra because it is rarely humid because of the extremely low temperatures. 
  • There is a lot of bodies of water in the Tundra because most of the sun's energy goes to melting all of the snow so the temperatures remain low and the soil/water remain frozen for years. 
  • There is a very sharp increase in river flow once all the ice begins to melt but low amount near the permafrost barrier. 
  • Temporary store of liquid due to loads to permafrost. 

  Carbon Cycle
  • The Cycle Cycle is used by snow and ice which is 79% made up of Carbon. 
  • The loads of permafrost in the Tundra affect the Carbon Cycle when the Carbon and Nitrogen from dead organism beings to get caught and stuck in the permafrost.